Thoughts on Elm Street Trailer and Jumbled Rants On Remakes of "They're not as Good as we remember them" 80s horror in General.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nice trailer. Must say it's brought my interest up some. Which is to say I went from having no interest, to some. Good Job, Platinum Dunes!

Originally I was under the impression that this would follow the model of the "Chainsaw Massacre" and "Friday the 13th" remakes and simply be a basterdization of the original concept and story. Kind of like "of course it's a Dawn of the Dead remake, it's got zombies and a mall!" This one appears to be a little more like an actual remake, which ironically is a new concept with all of these films. They remained faithful to Freddy's look, as the red & green sweater and filthy hat return.  His origin* remains the same and he's battling Nancy Thompson** again. The reasonably iconic bathtub scene makes an appearence. Oh god, I hope the sledge hammer gag makes a comeback. However, I can't say I'm in love with the make-up effects. He looks more like a guy that got a face full of soot from an exhaust pipe, than a burn victim. Don't go stealing Moe's bit, Freddy.

I gotta say I'm a bit turned off by how seriously they're taking all of this. It's a fucking Freddy movie. True, the first one was serious, but does anyone remember that Freddy? No, we remember the  wisecracking showman . I used to play Freddy in the school yard. He was in an NES game! I've seen and heard Freddy rap. As recently as six years ago (wow), this was the Freddy that appeared on screen. It doesn't have to be serious and epic. When you over think silly concepts, it can make them sillier. Just look at G.I. Joe.

A few years ago I might have said they were fucking with a classic. That was until I had to chance to go to a screening for the film in the far flung reaches of Staten Island. It was there that I discovered the awful truth... A Nightmare On Elm Street is just alright. It has it's quirky little moments here and there, but just becomes dull one or two times too often. Even Johnny Depp's midriff and random boobytraps have trouble keeping things together. It's an example of a concept being better than the execution. But there I go, over thinking it.

I won't have much longer to complain about this kind of stuff, they're running out of popular 80s horror franchises to reboot. I think only Hellraiser is left. Might be time to start picking at the 90s. How long before Wishmaster or god help us, Leprechaun get the Michael Bay treatment? Wow, the 90s sucked. I hope no one played "Leprechaun" on the playground.

*Apparently at some point he was raised by Alice Cooper.
**I remember her name, but not a single name of a living member of my father's family. Hmmm.

Trying to figure out this here doohickey

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I find it funny that I had to check to see if I spelled 'doohickey' correctly. Ahh, the internet. What would I do without you?

Probably crawl into a ball and die.

But anyway, still trying to figure out this blog. Trying to make it look kind of proper before an official unveiling of the site in the near future. I will be going back to the old blog, Combinations Follow, and picking out a few articles here and there that I especially liked and want to share with the world. The rest will be deleted. Why? Because why keep an old blog that made you angry? That's just dumb.

So what can you expect from this blog? As many updates as I can possibly put up on a daily basis. Lots of opinions, because that's what makes the world work. Insightful commentary about upcoming films that we might think sound awesome or sound like they suck worse than a psycho hose beast. I have a great group of friends who want to also share their opinions to the masses and I can't wait for them to share them with you. All about the ASAP.

But I'm getting a bit tired and need to continue to pack up for the big move this weekend away from this hellhole of an apartment to hopefully a less of a hellhole.

Tomorrow I will have more stuff to say. Tommy already posted something. Hopefully other people will start cranking out some posts.

Until later, my fiends.

Plastic Awesomeness.

Remember that episode of TNG, when Worf and his son Andy from Family Ties used the Holodeck to travel to the "ancient west" and battle the gang of outlaw Datas? Yeah, well I do.

I purchased this "playset" as a gift, but now I'm seriously considering keeping it for myself. I mean...Cowboy Data! Little Alexander appears to have only two points of articulation.  They don't make em' like this anymore.

A quick message from me...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I just wrote up a new article up on Forces of Geek. It's all about what 5 Marvel stories should be made into movies because of the new merger that happened in the beginning of the week. You should read it and let me know what you think.

Also, a huge Happy Birthday to the one, the only, Britt Hayes. One of the finest gals I know and wish she could be here so I could give her the biggest hug and kiss ever. Yes, this is the sweet James nobody is ever used to. It doesn't come out very often. But fuck it, it's out tonight. So deal with it.


What else has been going on in my life? Job interview went well, saw Inglourious Basterds and District 9 twice each. Both are superb in completely different ways yet are genre lover's dream. So those films made me happy.

Also on the horizon: G.I. Joe sequel video to our top ranking review on Youtube. Here it is for all you crazy kooky people out there.

Favorite it and spread the word. Do you want to see the Size Order Crew come back and do more reviews?? Let us know!

That's it for now. I'm tired and have another interview tomorrow. Need to be well rested for it.

Scream 2009 Awards Nominations

Monday, August 31, 2009

Is it really worthy of its own blog? Well, yeah, I'd like to think so. I didn't just sit here for 10 minutes voting on their '32 Fan Approved Categories' (where was I when these were approved??) and I think I might let you in on who I picked with a few of them and maybe some other thoughts I have within this annual Spike TV Awards show.

The Ultimate Scream Award - I voted for Drag Me To Hell, mainly because besides Up and Star Trek in that list, everything else was pretty much asinine. I really don't get this category though. The ultimate scream? Out of all those films, Sam Raimi's fantastic horror film is the only one which made me jump. Well, Transformers made me want to jump into a brick wall face first.

Best Horror Film - That was a hard one. It really was. I truly enjoyed Splinter, got a little kick out of Dead Snow, Let the Right One In was beautiful, thought Derek Mears is the new Jason for this millenium in Friday the 13th. But I ulitmately went with the PG-13 stylings of Mr. Raimi's Drag Me To Hell. It deserves more credit than it has gotten.

Best Breakout Performance Female - Eh. Looking at this list, I only saw two names that meant anything to me. Lorna Raver from Drag Me To Hell and Lina Leandersson from Let the Right One In. Between those two, it was a tough choice. The rest are laughable at best.  Malin Akerman, although pretty to look at, was the worst part of Watchmen, the same goes for Zoe Saldana as Uhura in the new fangled Star Trek. And let's not speak about anything else from Revenge of the Fallen. Please.

Best Breakout Performane Male - Oh god. What a fucking list here. Two names sprang up, yet again, but again it was a little tough. Saw Worthington was probably the best part (besides Anton Yelchin's young rebel Reese) of Terminator: Salvation (which I didn't hate... I just thought it was bland and Bale had too much control over the script) and Chris Pine's pitch perfect young brat Captain Kirk from Star Trek. I went with Pine, even though the first time I noticed him was when he played the smallest of the Tremor Brothers in the underappreciate nutzoid action film Smokin' Aces. And any category which has two actors by the name of Taylor makes me laugh a bit.

Best Director - This one was one of the hardest for me to choose. Well, scratch Michael Bay off the list for the turdfest that raped my childhood. But the rest were all worthy choices. JJ Abrams took a decent script with tons of plotholes and made a fum Star Trek film from it. Tomas Alfredson made a creepy yet beautiful film with two of the best child actors I've ever seen with Let the Right One In. Bob Peterson and Pete Doctor worked the usual Pixar magic and made a heartwarming tribute to remembrance and redemption with Up. And Sam Raimi returned to the world of horror where we all fell in love with him in the first place with Drag Me to Hell. But I chose first timer Duncan Jones who crafted a low budget sci-fi film with one of my favorite actors (Sam Rockwell) and made a claustrophobic mind trip called Moon that I can't wait to own on DVD so I can show it to all my friends. Over and over again.

Best Sequel - You know it's a bad category when the only film I enjoyed was Punisher: War Zone. That's all I really have to say about this one.

Fight to the Death Scene - This is when they put their 'extreme' edge to the categories. It's okay, but I've seen it occur on the MTV Movie Awards already. But out of the scenes listed, I had to pick the car fight scene from Drag Me To Hell. Haven't seen it? Well, you're the reason the movie didn't do so well. Assholes.

The Holy S***! Scene of the Year - Oh, and S*** is SHIT, for all you noobs out there. Do they really need to block that word out still? Didn't South Park make the joke about this word and profanity in general 7 years ago? I still find it funny. Slightly tough, but Drag Me To Hell's seance scene takes the cake. And there's no way I would vote for anything in general from Knowing. Unless it asked for best hairpiece. And only if Jeremy Piven and Brendan Fraser were not in the running again Nicolas Cage.

I think I'm going to stop there. You can just go to Scream 2009's site to vote for all the categories. Let's vote for the good movies and kick out the Twilight's and Revenge of the Fallen's in these categories and make sure some good genre films are noticed. But who am I kidding? Robert Pattinson signed with the devil himself. It's the only way it makes sense that he's famous.